Isle of Dogs (2018)

Isle of Dogs (2018)

Wes Anderson
Liev Schreiber, Edward Norton, Anjelica Huston, Bryan Cranston, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton, Ken Watanabe, Frances McDormand, Jeff Goldblum, Frank Wood, Jake Ryan, Bill Murray, Roman Coppola, Courtney B. Vance, Fisher Stevens, F. Murray Abraham, Harvey Keitel, Koyu Rankin, Bob Balaban, Kunichi Nomura, Akira Takayama, Greta Gerwig, Nijiro Murakami, Akira Ito, Yōko Ono, Mari Natsuki, Yojiro Noda, Kara Hayward, Satoshi Yamazaki, Gen Ueda, Ryuhei Matsuda, Jun Takahashi, Edward Bursch, Luli Shioi, Erica Dorn, Chinami Narikawa, Chris Benz, Alex Orman, J. Wurster, Takayuki Yamada, Kozue Akimoto, Shota Matsuda, Kiyotaka Mizukoshi, Elaiza Ikeda, Ryuhei Nakadai, Shin Mononobe, Ikunosuke, Taichi Kodama, Karin Okoso


In the future, an outbreak of canine flu leads the mayor of a Japanese city to banish all dogs to an island that's a garbage dump. The outcasts must soon embark on an epic journey when a 12-year-old boy arrives on the island to find his beloved pet.