Simon of the Mountain (2024)

Simon of the Mountain (2024)

Federico Luis
Lorenzo Ferro, Pehuén Pedre, Kiara Supini, Laura Nevole, Agustín Toscano, Camila Hirane, Alma Echenique, Víctor López, Francisco Carrasco, Cristina Tostzian, Camila Sepúlveda, Candela Rocher, Pedro Berdugo Flores, Marina Goldemberg, Luz Pilar Villegas, Francesco Palermo, Matías Fernández Burzaco, Mairéad Tyers, Sofia Oxenham, Bilal Hasna, Luke Rollason


Simon is 21 years old. He introduces himself as a mover's helper. He claims not to know how to cook or clean the bathroom, but he does know how to make a bed. Recently, he seems to have become a different person…