Slotherhouse (2023)

Slotherhouse (2023)

Matthew Goodhue
Lisa Ambalavanar, Sydney Craven, Andrew Horton, Bianca Beckles-Rose, Olivia Rouyre, Tiff Stevenson, Sutter Nolan, Milica Vrzić, Stefan Kapičić, Annamaria Serda, Grace Patterson, Kelly Lynn Reiter, Tiana Upcheva, Juliana Sada, Bradley Fowler, Cady Lanigan, Fernando Duran, Đorđe Mišina, Jelena Košara, Buntem Butsayamant, Patricia Starlight, Milosh Klipic, Milan Todorovic, Jelena Rakočević, Una Kozić, Maclean Yatel Arthur, Isabella Johnson, Audrey Deubig, Anita Yoo, Leah Ballard, Hannah Martinez-Crow, Sierra Goria


Wanting to have a killer year, sorority sister Emily Young realizes she might just be the best option for her sorority. While beginning her campaign, she finds an adorable sloth that steals her heart and soon realizes she just might steal the hearts, and votes, of her sorority sisters. But when bodies slowly begin to pile up in the Sigma Lambda Theta house, Emily and her sorority sisters realize the deaths are being caused by their new house mascot, the cuddly sloth Alpha. Will Emily and her sisters escape the house with their lives? Or is this death-sloth with three razor sharp claws too quick for them?